Tuesday, October 6, 2009

pres kennedy

my puppies had the toots all day :( ... guess who he shares a bed with?!

Monday, October 5, 2009

poor you....

 its monday. 
It has been a lovely day of chillin with Adrian and doing some school work... going to the Rox Farm and playing some hard core games :) 
and now to my classes.. pah-pah...

I'm feeling sorry for someone today... he's a really gem but has some issues. I TOTALLY know what its like to see something you don't want to see and then reading way to much into it!!!!
actually it'd happen oh so recently as he's a snooper I am too :D .... although the thing wrong with that is its always when you find what you were looking for you wonder WHY did i look? Oh well i've learned that its just safer and smarter to trust your friends. and trust that what they tell me is good enough and not look further. I suppose if somethings being hidden for me and from me its for a reason....
 I still don't like it but I'm a maverick and I'll live :) 

I'm please to report that for the first time all semester its actually of a decent temp. in my school ! relief I was very concerned. 

on that note
Marge got some super sweet lotion... and it smells delicious.. she wanted to lick herself... i just wanna bite my fingers off... where do i get this?!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sunday---- fun? day...?

LA la its sunday. so far my puppy had NO accidents at night... has gone outside about 6 times this morning (its 9:50) here... and he's had two accidents inside... WHY?! WHY?!

doggie diapers? but then i gotta get the crusty poo off my puppies butt...ISH!!! ya' know?

pray for him... and his pathetic little blatter...

Friday, October 2, 2009

what the Hay!

Barney had to work today.. i feel betrayed. 
 Marge can't de code my secret spelling. 
Adrien is going to ride in a monster truck-- or will he?

whats next?

no dudley there are not whales in Lake Superior.

I texted my friend Dudley a couple days back to report a dream he was in... in which there was a beached whale in LAKE SUPERIOR... and since he is in the coast guard i was hoping he'd be of service. 
After explaining the dream to poor Dudley he responded in questioning the significants of a whale being in Lake Superior,... question pertaining to whether or not whales are really in the lake or not....   
                         yikes dudley :(

may i also mention 3 days prior to this, Dudley stated  "the ocean is basically my job" 


rain man

Marge laughs at wild hogs.
barney is going to stalk.

The Eily Family is hanging at home while their son Dudley is away at dance camp- just kidding....

Barney is getting a little sore about the author.

my day is consisting of hanging at home with three rowdy labs and cab and a HUGE projected tv screen :)
 I'm embaressed to report the only way i knew how to spell ROWDY was by having to out loud say a cheer from my high school cheerleading days...sorry you missed that huh?

Thursday, October 1, 2009


I'm looking for families with anyone of any age that has special needs. I'm a photographer, and I'm creating a book of black and white portraits of children/adults with special needs. And I will be adding a very special sort of quotes made by the family. 
SO! from you I need :
MODELS!! doing whatever it is they love to do with whom ever it is they like to do it with. 

Under the pictures I want to put quotes from family members- that are general but towards their special needs family member. Why they are different. Just like everyone is different but their special something that makes them who they are. in a fashion like so:
 " You are special to be because even when I don't know what would make me feel better, some how you do. "
Anything you can think of that you tell them everyday or that you don't think you ever do. 

So now if you can be of help to me!! WRITE ME-  EMAIL ME!!!!!!!!!!


there is this lady that lives in Mountrose and she is in her 80's and she stands at around 4 feet something... cutest thing in the world!!! 
She drives but WALKS everywhere... she's super cute and i just want to squeeze her :)