I'm looking for families with anyone of any age that has special needs. I'm a photographer, and I'm creating a book of black and white portraits of children/adults with special needs. And I will be adding a very special sort of quotes made by the family.
SO! from you I need :
MODELS!! doing whatever it is they love to do with whom ever it is they like to do it with.
Under the pictures I want to put quotes from family members- that are general but towards their special needs family member. Why they are different. Just like everyone is different but their special something that makes them who they are. in a fashion like so:
" You are special to be because even when I don't know what would make me feel better, some how you do. "
Anything you can think of that you tell them everyday or that you don't think you ever do.
So now if you can be of help to me!! WRITE ME- EMAIL ME!!!!!!!!!!
You know Adam would LOVE to model for you!! :)